Board Members - Nate & Ashley Lourie

Nate Lourie
Committees: Events/Fundraising

Ashley Lourie
Committees: Resources
Nate and Ashley Lourie reside in Houston, TX with their four children. Their two youngest children, Tekoa and Scout, are both on the autism spectrum and were first diagnosed in 2018. As a stay-at-home mother, Ashley has devoted nearly every second of her spare time to researching autism and honing new skills needed to parent autistic children. Nate is the CEO of RFX LLC, an affiliate of R&R Express, and was honored when asked to join the board. As an experienced father and business executive, Nate hopes to use his network to spread the message and raise funds that can help to launch XEL to new heights. Nate and Ashley look forward to guiding the foundation to fund ideas that create an inclusive environment for autistic children and propel the future of the autism medical research community.